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Hurricane Preparedness 101

Learn more about preparing for hurricanes and tropical storms.

The Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30, is fast approaching. Are you prepared for it? There are many basic steps you can take to secure your home and belongings before tropical storms or Hurricanes return to our island.

Four significant hurricanes are predicted to reach Jamaica in 2021, so it is as important as ever to start preparations now.

Hurricane preparations do not have to be stressful, but they are important for all islanders to undertake. Read this handy guide and begin your preparations early. Talk with the experts at IronRock Insurance Company for more help protecting your home and belongings.

Hurricane Preparedness

Try some of these ideas to prepare for hurricane season this year.

  • Basic Home Maintenance – Before hurricane season, check your home and take care of basic maintenance projects. Make sure your roof is secure if it is not a slab roof. Check hurricane latches and make any necessary repairs. The time when a storm is imminent is not the time to discover a weakness in your structure.
  • Secure Landscaping – Trim trees and bushes near your home and garage – branches can easily snap and fall during heavy winds, damaging your house and vehicle. Home protection is important, and you can do a lot by securing outside objects and natural features.
  • Review Insurance – Talk with your agent and review your homeowner’s or renter’s policy. Know what it covers and make sure your coverage is up-to-date, especially if you have purchased anything of value since your last policy update. Take an inventory of your property – mobile phone videos and pictures of items and receipts are helpful to show ownership and prove the value of your belongings.
  • Do not Forget Your Car – Secure your vehicle someplace safe before a storm if you can safely do so. Ask your insurer or agent if your vehicle is covered for hurricane damage. Sometimes flooding can happen with tropical storms, causing damage to your vehicle. Check if your insurance covers your windscreen and windows, as well.
  • Make an Emergency Plan – Form an emergency plan in advance with your family. Make sure everyone knows the plan – where to go, who to call, and what to do in case of a storm. The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) offers free resources on its website, including a list of disaster shelters you can utilize. Note the closest ones to you in case you must evacuate your home.
  • Have Supplies Ready – Stock up in advance on things you may need to prepare your home for a hurricane. You might need plywood or plastic sheeting to keep the rain out of your windows and doors. Taping or boarding up windows can offer some measure of protection. Plastic bags or plastic sheeting provide great protection for important paperwork and technology. And don’t forget to stock up on your non-perishable food items and emergency tools.

Final Thoughts

Preparing for hurricanes and other tropical storms is natural to us living in Jamaica, but that does not make it easy. You can do many things to get ready for storms, checking in with your insurance agent about your coverage is a great step toward peace of mind when hurricane season rolls around.

How do I Learn More?

Now that you know more about hurricane preparedness, you can contact the experts at IronRock Insurance Company for more information on securing your assets. Our licensed professionals will be happy to answer any questions you have.